Saturday, November 12, 2005

Mercy: Chapter 12

Still round the corner there may wait,
A new road or a secret gate.
- J.R.R. Tolkien

Andrew arrived at Belle’s a couple evenings later, sleeping bag and pillow under his arm and a backpack over his back.

Belle’s mother was out - no doubt doing last-minute Christmas shopping. She was a last-minute person, and thought it was ridiculous that people went out right after Thanksgiving to get gifts for a holiday a month away.

It was fine with Belle, though, since that allowed the two of them to have some time to talk.

She brought him out to the kitchen and brought out the big plate of cookies and hot apple cider, since she knew that’s what he liked.

“When did your parents leave?” Belle asked, taking a cookie, and studying the frosting.

Andrew did likewise, not answering right away. “This morning.”

Belle looked up suddenly, “They’ve been gone since this morning? You could have come over then. You’re welcome here anytime,” she told him, feeling bad that he had spent most of a day alone in his empty house.

“I just…needed some time alone.” he hedged, not yet comfortable admitting his private grief to anyone - even Belle.

“Did your parents like the gift?” Belle asked, taking a bite of her Santa cookie.

He shook his head. “They didn’t open it yet. I asked them to wait until they were at the cemetery. But I gave them a note from me to read on the way…apologizing for the way I’ve acted.”

“That was nice of you,” Belle smiled. “I’m glad.”

She got up from the table and moved his stuff off the couch and into the guest room, wanting him to feel comfortable. Last year, he slept on the couch, and she hadn’t even thought to set him up elsewhere. But especially now, knowing what she did, Belle thought it was only right to make sure he felt welcome.

“You don’t have to do that,” he objected mildly. “I’m fine on the couch.”

“I know you’re fine, but I want you to have a room while you’re here.” Belle insisted.

She arranged his belongings neatly on the bed, tossing his sleeping bag in the corner of the room - feeling sure he wouldn’t be using it when he had a perfectly good bed to sleep in.

They spent their time together watching movies reminiscing. A lot of their conversations degenerated into memories of things they did together in second and third grade. Andrew had dinner with Belle and Sherry, enjoying their company, and Sherry’s cooking.

At one point, he took a call from Elise, asking to borrow a few bucks to go Christmas shopping for her brother. The conversation itself made Andrew smile - the fact that she swore up and down to pay him back the small amount she had proposed to borrow - though she had no income to speak of.

He made the drive to drop it off alone, wanting the time to think, and clear his head. All this time around Belle and her mother was reminding Andrew of just how much time he’d spent alone recently.

During the drive itself, he carried on a quiet conversation, praying for his parents and himself, much like Belle had done earlier on. It wasn’t instantly effective, but Andrew felt slightly better, having gotten a little of the load off his shoulders.

He dropped off the money covertly, so Rob wouldn’t know what was going on, and as an afterthought, asked Elise if she needed a ride anywhere to do the shopping. She nodded, her eyes lighting up.

“What do guys like?” she asked once they were in the car, under the guise of doing something else - not that Rob would have noticed, he was so busy with Christmas preparations.

Andrew thought about this. “Usually stuff we can use, though sentimental can be nice, too.”

They returned a short time later, Elise’s gift already wrapped.

Andrew laughed for the first time in days, seeing Rob eating Chex Mix and humming Christmas tunes, while wrapping something for Kylie.

He returned to Belle’s later, where they resumed movie-watching and talking until late into the night - feeling grateful that he had a friend who did such a great job taking care of him, even when he didn’t want it.


Elise sat at the table, early on Christmas morning. She hadn’t really slept the night before, but this time it was from excitement, and knowing that she still had a lot to do before the holidays officially started.

Robby was still sleeping - as he should have been, since it was only five o’clock in the morning. The apartment was quiet. None of their noisy upstairs neighbors were up yet, but Elise figured they would be soon. There were children upstairs, and they usually got up early on holidays, no matter how minor they were.

Surveying the paper in front of her, Elise went to work. She couldn’t afford to buy more than one gift this year - and technically she hadn’t even been able to afford that one. She had gone to Andrew and asked for ten dollars, promising to pay him back. Graciously, he gave it to her, telling her she didn’t have to pay anything, and then took her shopping, even though she hadn’t asked.

She had bought Robby a coffee cup, since she didn’t really know what a guy would like. She knew he liked coffee, and that he would at least use a coffee cup. Elise didn’t ask for anything, but she knew her brother had bought her something too.

It was a modest Christmas, compared to what they were both used to, but it didn’t matter.

Elise shook her head, getting back to the project she had to get done. She had four cards to make. One for her brother, one for Kylie, one for Belle and one for Andrew.

She did Andrew and Belle’s first. Both said nothing on the front, but inside held a short, but heartfelt thanks for their friendship and love.

Next, she made Kylie’s, which also held a simple message about what Kylie had shown her about friendship, and about being a true mother to somebody - even when you didn’t have to.

Last, she started on Robby’s, knowing she didn’t have much time, but that his was the most important. She did her best to keep the message legible even though her hand was tired from writing three messages.

Robby‘s card message was longer. It said more than Elise remembered writing in a long time, and certainly more than she’d ever written in one sitting. She let him know little things she wasn’t sure he was aware of. She thanked him for doing all he’d done for her, even though she knew it wasn’t necessary.

It was still early by the time Elise finished and she knew she wasn’t going to be able to sleep. She went back to the living room and folded up the hideaway bed, arranging the cushions neatly on the couch. And then, sitting by their little fake tree, Elise held her package gingerly, fingering the red and green wrapping paper.

Finally, Elise set the packages aside, and returned to the kitchen, deciding it was still too early to eat breakfast. Distractedly, she walked around, absently looking through the piles of stuff on the counters. One pile was mail, and the letter on top drew Elise’s attention immediately. It was addressed to Rob, and it was in their mom’s handwriting.

Sliding the paper out of its envelope, Elise unfolded it, and read. Some of the smaller words gave Elise trouble, but the message in the letter was clear enough. The next move was up to Rob. She wouldn’t try to contact them again, unless they arranged something beforehand.

She replaced the letter in the envelope, finally realizing that Robby had been in an incredibly cheerful mood the last couple days. She had thought it was just the holiday season, but now Elise knew he was breathing easier, now that their mother was keeping her distance. And Elise admittedly felt pride at standing her ground.

For the next half hour, Elise tried to occupy herself, but the only thing that really caught her attention was Ryan’s phone number scrawled in Kylie’s handwriting, next to their phone. It had been there for sometime, but it got Elise thinking.

Rob finally woke up and made coffee at around seven o’clock. Elise smiled to herself from the table, thinking about his Christmas gift under the tree.

“Morning,” he mumbled. He looked as entertaining as he always did when he first woke up. And it was funnier because he wasn’t a morning person at all.

“Merry Christmas,” she returned, smiling happily.

“How long have you been up?” he wondered, feeling sure that he would wake to find his sister a lump under the covers.

“A couple hours.“ she shrugged. “Hey, can we ask Ryan over?” Elise asked, planting a kiss on Robby’s cheek.

“If you want.” He wiped off his face. “I’m gonna get cleaned up. But call and see what he’s up to.” Rob agreed easily. He had no Christmas traditions of his own. They were just learning as they went. And though they didn’t have much this year, they had each other. Rob knew Ryan was probably alone.

As he disappeared into his room to get clothes, Rob smiled as he heard Elise’s cheerful voice wishing Ryan a merry Christmas.


“Who is this?” Ryan asked, bewildered. Almost no one had his number. And no one would be calling him this early on a holiday.

“It’s Elise. Merry Christmas,” she repeated.

“Yeah… You, too,” he finally returned. “What’s up?”

“Well, Robby and I were wondering if you wanted to come over and spend the day with us. Unless you have somewhere else you have to be…” she finished diplomatically, not wanting to hurt his pride by implying that she knew he’d probably be by himself.

Ryan was silent a moment. “Are you sure you don’t, you know, wanna spend it with your brother?” he hedged.

“I will,” she told him seriously. “The more the merrier, come on over.”

“I don’t really have any gifts or anything. Or food.” he added, still unsure.

“Would you stop making excuses and come over?” Elise demanded, laughing. “Robby!” she called down the hall, where the bathroom door was ajar and steam billowed out. “Tell Ryan to come over!”

Stepping halfway out the door, he appeared in front of her, dressed already, but his hair sticking up. “Ryan! Come over and have pie!” Rob called in the direction of the phone.

“All right, all right. You want me over now?” Ryan wondered, studying himself. He was still in pajamas and hadn’t shaved.

Elise sighed. “Yes! Now hang up with me and get over here!”

“I’m gonna shave first. And shower.”

“That’d be nice,” she quipped.

“Brat,” Ryan smiled. “I’ll see you in a few minutes”


As planned, Ryan showed up a little later. He was dressed in the same clothes he had worn to Mikhail’s Christmas party, but so was Elise, so it didn’t matter much. Rob had a slightly bigger wardrobe, yet for some reason, beyond Elise’s imagination, he insisted on wearing the hideous green sweater again.

Ryan sat on the couch, while Rob and Elise sat near the tree and exchanged gifts. Rob insisted she go first, and she tore off the paper, assuming already that she was getting clothes, by the shape of the box. But taking the lid off the box, she was surprised.

Inside, were a pair of her favorite kind of jeans, with little flower designs embroidered in the leg.

Her mouth fell open. “How did you do this? I don’t need anymore jeans like this. You didn’t have to spend the money,” she objected, knowing how little they got by with, and how little he had to spare, especially around the holidays.

“Did you go shopping with Kylie?” she pressed.

He shook his head. “I called Belle and asked her to help me. When I told her where I was shopping she knew where they were and helped me pick something you’d like.”

“Here, Ry, see if they fit.” she joked, tossing the pants at him.

A huge smile broke out on his clean-shaven face, making him look years younger. Somehow, Ryan managed to get the jeans overtop his dress pants. He jumped up and down several times to get them up all the way. Then, he modeled them.

Rob closed his eyes, He didn’t know it was possible for a guy to be that fearless. But it was worth it to see Elise snapping pictures, and laughing.

For several minutes, Rob just sat back and let them play.

It wasn’t long before Elise realized that her present for Rob had gone unopened. “Ryan, take of my jeans. Robby still has a present to open,” Elise called over her shoulder.

Obediently, Ryan slid out of the pants and folded them neatly next to him. He waited for Rob to open his gift, feeling happiness he hadn’t experienced in years.

Rob took off the card, and set it aside, at Elise’s instruction to read it at the end.

He tore off the paper, and opened the box, pulling out a white coffee cup. It said: I LOVE NY.

“Andrew?” Rob guessed.

Elise nodded, smiling. “The coffee cup was my idea, though. And it was either that one, or one with flowers.”

“Well, I like this one, thank you.” he said, reaching over to give her a hug. He read the card next, feeling touched that Elise had spent so much time and effort writing a long paragraph expressing all the meant to her.

Wordlessly, he hugged her again, not caring that Ryan sat just behind them.

Christmas, or at least, the present part of Christmas, ended then, and the three of them went to the kitchen to have coffee and pie. They spent the afternoon playing cards and dominoes - just generally enjoying one another’s company.

Rob was pleased, considering his first Christmas with his sister a success.


On New Year’s Eve, they gathered at Micah’s for a party. Mostly, it was just an excuse to get together with each other and visit, but everyone knew there would be prayer, and, because Mikhail decided, there was going to be letters written again.

Micah’s table was stocked with chips and red and green candy of all sorts. Caffeinated beverages were available, much to everyone’s delight.

From far across the room, Julia watched Elise, and felt her stomach tighten, remembering the last time they were all together. True, the lectures from Belle and Kenzie hadn’t done much to sway Julia’s thought on the things she’d said to Elise, but being forced to witness what she did that night was. That in combination with the small article she’d read in the paper that week, detailing a domestic violence case with such raw fact that Julia came away shaken, thinking of Elise.

Making her way across the room, grateful that nothing had started yet, Julia stopped in front of Elise. She saw Belle move instinctively closer to her friend, and Julia figured it was just as well.

Despite the crowd and the noise, Julia knew she could be heard, and didn’t want to draw anything out unnecessarily by separating themselves.

Julia crouched down, so she was face to face with Elise. “I shouldn’t have told you to go to your mom with your stuff.”

Elise blinked, surprised.

“The way you took it wasn’t how I meant it to come off, and I’m sorry. I was concerned about the wrong thing.” She nodded at Belle with the last statement.

Neither one said anything in response, and Julia went to reclaim her chair quietly.


The evening commenced, with everyone hearing stories from Kylie and Gabe, who were back from their trips to Illinois and Georgia respectively. Elise, Belle, Andrew and Josh sat in a line next to one another.

Slowly, the four of them had begun to form a friendship. And on Josh’s other side, there was Jared, the most unlikely person to willingly occupy an open space beside Josh. They listened to the stories of peach cobbler, and jokes that Kylie’s grandma told. Occasionally, Andrew squeezed Belle’s hand, and she squeezed back, knowing he needed support.

While Belle graciously held Andrew’s hand when he asked for it, on his other side, Josh and Jared were whispering and cackling.

“Is Georgia the peach state?” Jared whispered, out of the corner of his mouth.

“Yes, now listen! I wanna hear the story!” Josh complained.

“It is not.”

“Yes it is! Belle told me!” Josh defended

Andrew elbowed Josh. “Hush up.”

Obediently, Josh quieted, though he knew he wasn’t the one causing the trouble. He poked Jared’s leg obnoxiously.

Jared sent him a withering look. “I don’t have feeling there.”

Smiling, Josh continued to poke him. “And yet it annoys you so well.”


Nothing happened immediately after the stories Kylie shared, and since Gabe had already told all of his, he decided to raid the coffee supply.

He looked around, slowly, knowing that coffee itself wasn’t the right choice for what he had in mind, and studied the contents of all of Micah’s cupboards covertly, until he found a stash of various kinds of tea. Gabe saw a single package labeled peach, and set to work.

In a few minutes, he returned to the living room and stopped in front of Alex, offering the cup.

“What’s this?” Alex asked, a small smile appearing on her face. Gabe hadn’t brought her anything in to drink in ages.

His eyes twinkled. “Something to relax you.”

Alex laughed, remembering one of the last inside jokes they had together. Gabe’s assumption that tea was not caffeinated. He had bought her some peach tea at their favorite little café, insisting that people always relaxed when they drank it.

“Is it peach?” she sniffed the cup experimentally. Her eyes lit up. “Oh, that’s so awesome!”

He turned to leave, and Kenzie called after him. “Are you, like, the caffeine fairy? Can you get me some?” she wanted to know.

Gabe continued on, knowing Kenzie got an unending amount of pleasure from razzing him about his love of coffee.

He smiled to himself, knowing that for a second he had seen a glimpse of the Alex he knew - and feeling sure that she wasn’t so far away after all.


Micah had seen Ryan disappear to the table with all the food. He knew he’d messed up by not apologizing like he said he would. So, knowing it was something he had to do, Micah approached him at the table, where Ryan was picking out all the green candies and leaving the red behind in the dish.


Ryan glanced up, quickly dropping all the green ones in his pocket.

He had on blue jeans, and a solid colored tee shirt, with the grey hoodie zipped in place over the top.

“What’s up?” he asked, hoping his tone didn’t betray how uncomfortable he still was around Micah. “Hope you like the red ones,” he added as an afterthought.

“They’re chocolate inside. They’re all the same,” Micah pointed out.

Ryan shrugged.

“Listen, I’m sorry, man. I was way out of line offering you that crap the other night.” For once, Micah stood still, and his animated expression was contrite.

Staring at him for a minute, Ryan squinted, trying to gauge what was going on. He never saw this coming.

Micah plunged ahead, realizing he wasn’t getting through to him yet. “Really. I’m sorry. That was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done.”

Ryan was speechless a few seconds. “I appreciate it. Thanks.” Slowly, he extended a hand, and Micah shook it.


The stories and small talk continued until Mikhail called some order to the group. “Now is time to pray” he said seriously, “and share how the Lord is faithful to you this year.”

Around the room, heads bowed, and voices rose. “Lord, I thank You for being faithful in your provision for us.” Kylie started.

From beside her, Ryan spoke, “Lord… Thank You for being faithful to me in my sobriety. Thank You for these people You’ve brought into my life…for the challenges and the love they bring me.”

“God. Thanks for letting me be on the worship team. It’s so awesome.” Kenzie prayed, as a smile spread across her face. She squeezed Alex’s shoulder, gently, wishing there was something she could say to help her friend who still looked so down.

Drawn to look up by Kenzie’s enthusiastic prayer of thanks, Andrew saw Alex sitting quietly with her head bent low. He stared at her hard, until she looked up.

When their eyes met, Andrew prayed. “Father, I thank you for the darkness, because You take us through it.”

Alex sighed, and a slight smile touched her lips.


Voices tapered off, and Mikhail happily distributed notebook paper to everyone. He looked to Ryan and Josh, wanting them to understand what was going on.

“Sometime, I like for you to tell me how you are. So I’ll ask you to write me letter. You say what you want to tell me. Then, I take it home and read your mail and pray for you.”

“The end of the year is coming,” he told them seriously. “How are you doing since last letter? Let me know.”

Mindfully, all of them began to write, spreading out - some going to other rooms entirely.

And that night, as he’d done once, Mikhail sat down to read the words of the people who were so important to him.



I wasn’t here last time everyone wrote letters, and I wasn’t always sure I would stay around here. It’s hard to struggle and not be entirely understood. I don’t mean I wanted anyone to justify the choices I made, or help me put the blame somewhere else, but it was hard not to be taken seriously about my addictions. Life outside of rehab is hard. It’s scary. It’s not something I would wish on anybody. But I want to let you know that I have met some amazing people here, and I plan to stay. Thank you for talking to everyone about the party, because I know you did.



Dear Mikhail:

It’s hard being honest with my emotions, even now, and especially to my mother. Maybe you could pray about that for me?

Other than that things have been going really well for me. There are hard times, and God has taken me through a lot of ups and downs recently, but ultimately, I know in my heart that He is my strength…

It’s also pretty hard to come to terms with the fact that God won’t ever leave me. Things have been changing a lot in my life, and it’s hard to really know that there’s nothing I can do to make God so disappointed in me that He won’t love me anymore. That one’s quite personal, and it’s from experience with family and my own father, but you probably gathered that.

Thanks for praying.



Things have pretty much sucked since the last time I wrote. I can’t lie. I wish I was the same happy person I used to be, but I guess I just need to be resigned to this change, because it looks like this might be who I am, at least for a while.

I’m very on top of things generally. Going to school, totally leaning on God, because He’s all I have, but personally things aren’t good. If you could pray, and keep praying for my family that would be awesome, because I’ve tried everything I know, and I can’t get through to them. Things are strained in the marriage and with me - just the whole family dynamic.

At least now I feel like I’ve turned a corner a little. Even if I have to live for a little while with this depression I know it has a purpose. And, yeah, it sucks, but I’ll make it through. It’s not the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

P.S. Your Russian pastries were awesome.




I hate these things, and yet I write one every time you ask. Go figure. I know I keep messing up, but hopefully you can tell I’m trying to be someone who isn’t just a barrel of laughs. I want to do better than I’ve done in the past, I just don’t know how to go about that.



Dear Mikhail,

I am much happier today than I was this time last month. Things are looking up for me now. I read Psalms every day, and it’s so good for me to remember all those things, about not being afraid and the Lord being our protector. I need to know that.

That hug you gave me was something I have needed deep down for a long time. Thank you.



I’m not much for writing letters, but I know you don’t ask it a lot, so here goes. Life is actually looking good for me. It’s been a blessing getting to know everyone more, and seeing us go out of our way for one another more than we would have earlier on.

It means a lot to me to be able to give someone the opportunity to feel fulfilled.




It would mean a lot if you could pray for me as a leader. I feel like I have done better this time around, but there is still a lot to be done. And stay in prayer for all the kids. They need it. I’m doing fine, and staying busy. Thanks.

Take care,


Hey Mikhail,

I really want next year to be good. I want to get out on the mission field or do something meaningful with my life and my time. I still really regret how much my friendships with others have suffered this year, but I’m doing my best to live differently and turn that around.



Hey Mikhail,

Call the newspaper, I’ve got an open mind. Don’t really call the newspaper. It’s just an expression.

I can tolerate Josh, and I’m dealing with my situation better than before I met him - but don’t mention that to him. It’s been good to realize that by and large, people are more accepting than I thought. I think I’m my biggest enemy there, honestly.

Keep praying for me however you’ve been praying. Because it’s working.




I’m learning humility. As important as it is to own it when you’re right, it’s just as important to acknowledge when you’re wrong.

In His grace,


Dear Mikhail,

I’m emerging from my own darkness now, so that hopefully, I can grow to be the kind of man to help others endure theirs. The person I was, who worked quietly in the shadows - I think I’m still that person. I don’t think I’ve changed that much. Last time, I had this need to be validated in the things I did. Now, I just wish I could hide, so I can heal.




Life has been pretty crazy lately. I don’t know. But I’ve definitely been finding my rhythm with things, and being a guardian for my sister and everything. It’s not easy. But I can’t think of anything I would rather be doing with my life, than making sure the one person that means the most to me is safe, and gets to have the kind of life she deserves.

That’s about it,


Hey Mikhail,

I had a real nice trip to visit family, and I also got to have Christmas dinner with Robby and Elise and Belle, so I got the best of both worlds, you could say.

I wanted to thank you for inviting us all over to your place, too. That was a lot of fun. It’s nice to see how big Miss Alyona’s getting lately. I bet you’re proud of her.

This year has brought so many blessings and changes that I can’t even guess what’s in store for me next year. Life is good though, even on the late shift.




It has been so awesome to get to know everybody here, and I’m so glad I was invited. Even though it’s technically for older people, It’s rare to find a group of people so close-knit and so accepting of other people. Of course, everyone has their flaws, but I think this is a great group anyway.



I quit the band. You didn’t even know I was in one. But I was. I’m glad to be the kind of woman I was admiring just a short time ago. I feel like I’m entering into something deeper than I’ve known. I’m where I’m supposed to be now,

And I didn’t have to sacrifice myself. I just had to look in the mirror decide who I wanted to be.



Later, while everyone was downstairs enjoying one another’s company and waiting for midnight, Mikhail sat at the kitchen table and read letters. He always enjoyed them, no matter what they said. And this time, he had another idea.

At the end of each letter, after taking a few minutes to read, and pray. Mikhail wrote a note back.


Kenzie was surprised to get her letter back. It was returned to her so quickly, she thought about asking Mikhail what the deal was. Then, she opened it, and read the note at the bottom:


I am proud of you.



Josh didn’t expect to get anything back. He was eating some of the leftover chicken that Chris and Ryan made when he got his letter back, and asked Andrew to hold the paper open so he could read the extra message that Kenzie had announced Mikhail had included at the end of all the letters:


Very glad to have you with us.



Kylie blushed as she was caught cuddled close to Rob on the couch. Normally, she wouldn’t have minded, but it was sort of strange having Mikhail catch them being even a little affectionate. Taking her letter back, she moved away from everyone, and read:


So glad you have nice trip home. Yes, very proud of Alyona. Wonderful girl. You bless us much. Take care of yourself.



Since Rob was right next to Kylie, Mikhail gave his letter back at the same time. Rob wasn’t shy, and smiled happily at Mikhail when he got his letter back:


You are good man to your family. Admire this much in you.



Andrew was still beside Josh when Mikhail came by with his letter. He was watching the scene in Time’s Square, with a serious face. When he felt the paper in his hands, Andrew looked up briefly, and tried to smile. Opening the letter, as Mikhail walked away, Andrew read:


Stay close to God, and you will heal. I pray for you until this happen.



Mikhail found Julia next. She opened her letter fearlessly and read it in front of him:


To learn humility is good - to be humble is much more.



Jared opened his letter distractedly, tearing his attention away from the television long enough to flip open the paper. But once he saw the message, he slowed.


Glad you can be a friend for Josh. Good for you. I will always pray for you.



Gabe knew what was coming by now, and thanked Mikhail on his way by. He opened the letter and reread his own message briefly before his eyes fell on the new handwriting across the bottom:


Cannot change what is already happen. Can only change what kind of person you will be. Do what the Lord tell you.



Missy was the one person, Mikhail needed to search to find. She was in another room, cleaning up, and throwing away trash. He left the note for her on the coffee table. When he left, she read it:


You bless me much with all your help. Thank you.



Mikhail returned downstairs to find Chris, who was telling Alex a long story about the professor he had that she was sure to get in the future. He stopped long enough to read the note, and laugh.


I like the chicken. Maybe you can make it again?



Elise was on the other side of Belle, with Andrew and Josh on the couch. Elise stopped trying to calculate how many more minutes until New Year’s, and gratefully took the letter from Mikhail’s hand, thanking him with her smile. Unfolding it, she saw his message, and tears came to her eyes.


The hug I give you, I think I wait too long to give. You seem to need it a long time. I think of my little girl when I hug you, and know that you are somebody’s little girl, too.



Micah stared warily at Mikhail as he took the letter from him - not having a clue what it said, and not feeling sure he wanted to know. But at Mikhail’s encouraging nod, he opened it, and read:


You are great friend to me.



Interrupting Chris’s story a second time, Mikhail approached Alex this time, and handed off the letter.


My wife make the Russian pastries, but I tell her you like them. You need anything call me. You need a place to come, please stay with us. I want to do much as I can to help you. Doesn’t matter if you change a little bit. Still a faithful follower of God, and still a blessing to so many of us. Don’t forget this.



Quickly, Mikhail made his way back to the couch, where the four younger kids sat, and stopped in front of Belle. She smiled, taking the letter, and then walked a little ways away for privacy and read:


I see you struggle a long time. And I pray a long time for you. Maybe read the gospels, and watch how much Jesus love everybody. You bless everyone much.



Finally, Mikhail stopped by Ryan, who until recently, had been sitting alone. Now, Chris and Alex had joined him, and the three were yelling at the television. Mikhail gave Ryan the letter, knowing it was the last one, and picked out a spot, sitting around Micah and Jared. Once he was far enough away, and Chris and Alex were adequately distracted, Ryan read his letter.


You are brave person to be true about what your struggle is. I am so glad you stay with us. I’m glad you share your pain with us and your not hide yourself anymore. Be who you are. That make me so proud. Take care of yourself, and always know you have family here who want everything good for you. Stay close with God, He will help you, and be with you always.


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